
We produce results by bringing together objectives, people, processes, and tools.

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Take control of your projects in Jira.

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Export Jira issues safely without losing data.

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Project budget management and cost tracking for Jira.

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Customer sentiment and emotion analysis.

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We help companies grow with Atlassian in a sustainable way.

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More than 20 years finding the best software solutions for all teams.

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Legal Statement

In order to comply with article 10 of Law 34/2002 of Services of the Information Society and Electronic Commerce, we inform the user of our data.

Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L. is a company with registered office at Calle Pedro Muñoz Seca 2, 6ª Planta, 28001 Madrid, registered in the Mercantile Register of Madrid in Volume 12.620, Book 0, Sheet 135, Section B, Page M-201818, Entry 1, and holder of Tax Identification Code number B81878597.

General information about the owner of the website

The company's contact details are as follows:

Address: Calle Pedro Muñoz Seca 2, 6ª Planta, 28001 Madrid
Phone: 34 912 824 700
General info:

Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L. is the owner of the domain name and the website (la Página Web). Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L. is certified as a Innovative Company (Innovative SME) based on the AENOR EA 0047 specification, regulated by the same organisation. In addition, Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L. is a member of Company Culture Advocate, badge awarded by Nailted to companies that encourage the development of a culture that puts people first.

Use of the Website

These conditions of use regulate access to the Website by any user (the User), as well as the responsibilities derived from the use of its contents. It shall be assumed that any User accessing the Web Page has read and accepts the conditions of use published at all times.

Likewise, Users who access any products and/or services offered by Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L. through the Web Page must be aware of and accept the GENERAL REGISTRATION AND CONTRACTING CONDITIONS. The contents and/or services that the User may access through the Web Page that are offered by third parties shall be governed by their own general conditions of registration and contracting, and Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L. shall not be responsible for them.

The processing of the User's personal data shall be governed by the provisions of the Privacy policy. de Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L.

Likewise, the Web will be able to know all the services requested by users, so that they can provide or offer information appropriate to the tastes and preferences of each user.

Intellectual and industrial property rights

The website is one of the digital channels of Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L. All intellectual and industrial property rights over the website and over its information and contents (including texts, graphics, images, brands, distinctive signs, logos, sounds, music, video, designs, creativities, software, codes, as well as any other creation protected by intellectual and industrial property laws) belong to Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S. L. or, in the case of content belonging to third parties, Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L. is the holder of the necessary exploitation rights by virtue of agreements with third parties.

The Web Page and its contents are protected by current legislation on intellectual and industrial property. Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L. does not grant any licence for the use, authorisation or transfer of its intellectual and industrial property rights or any other rights related to the Web Page, unless there is an express written agreement to this effect.

In particular, Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L. reserves all rights as collective author and, pursuant to art. 32.1 of the Intellectual Property Law, expressly opposes the consideration as quotations of reproductions made in the form of reviews or published as originals by other authors. Without the prior written authorisation of Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L., the Web Page may not be, in whole or in part, reproduced, distributed, publicly communicated, registered or transmitted by an information retrieval system, nor processed or exploited by any means or system.

The User may view the elements, print them, copy them, publish them on the social networks that are enabled and/or store them solely and exclusively for their personal and private use. Without prejudice to the foregoing, the permitted uses may be limited with respect to specific content or services.

The reproduction, distribution, commercialisation, transfer, public communication, disclosure, modification, alteration or decomposition of the Web Page or any of its elements or services, as well as any other use or act that has not been expressly authorised by the owner of the exploitation rights, or that is not expressly permitted by mandatory law, is strictly prohibited.

Mentioning the contents of the Website on other websites is authorised only in cases where the contents of the Website are not reproduced. In the event of a hypertext link (hyperlink) to one of its pages, the user must be aware that he/she is entering the Website, and must be able to see the URL address of the Website in his/her browser.

In particular, the following are prohibited:

  • The presentation of a page of this website in a window that does not belong to Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L. by means of the technique known as "framing", except with the prior, express and written authorisation of Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L.
  • The insertion of an image published on the Web Page in a page or database not belonging to Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L., by means of the technique known as "in line linking", except with the prior, express and written authorisation of Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L.
  • The extraction and use of elements of the Web Page causing any damage to Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L., in accordance with the provisions of Royal Legislative Decree 1/1996, of 12 April, approving the Revised Text of the Intellectual Property Law, as amended, among others, by Law 23/2006, of 7 July.

Other conditions of use

The User undertakes to use the contents and services offered by Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L. through the Web Page in a diligent, correct and lawful manner. In particular, the User: (i) shall not use the Web Page for any purpose that is illegal, contrary to morals, good customs, good faith or public order, or that may cause damage or harm to the Web Page, Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L. or third parties; (ii) will not use the Web Page to disseminate advertising or other unsolicited messages to Users or to Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L.; and (iii) will use the contents accessed for strictly personal use, not providing third parties with access to said contents or the key or password to access them.

The User will only submit information to the Web Page if he/she is the holder of the necessary rights for this purpose, is authorised to transfer them, and does not infringe any rights or harm third parties, and shall be liable for these points. By the mere fact of sending information (including, by way of example, texts, images, sounds, music or videos), the User grants Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L. the exploitation rights over said information, for the whole world and for the maximum period of time recognised by law to the holders of the rights, until it enters the public domain, authorising it to publish the same both on the Web Page and in other media.

Exemptions from liability

Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L. does not guarantee the quality, continuity, reliability, usefulness, accuracy or correctness of the contents or services of the Web Page, nor does it guarantee the invulnerability of the Web Page, the impregnability of the security measures used therein, or the absence of viruses and other harmful components.

Without prejudice to the foregoing, Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L. hereby states that it has adopted all necessary measures, within its possibilities and the state of technology, to guarantee the functioning of the Web Page and to avoid the transmission of harmful components to Users.

Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L. performs certain tasks of prior control of the contents whose publication is requested by Users, within the limits of its possibilities and the state of technology. However, these tasks are limited, so Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L. is not responsible for the non-fulfilment by any third party accessing the Web Page of the conditions for access and use of the Page.

Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L. may provide links, websites, contents or services of other companies through the Web Page, as well as provide the User with the download of third-party software. In such cases, the User understands and accepts that Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L. does not control and is not responsible for these contents, services and products.


Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L. reserves the right to restrict or cancel access to the Web Page and, if necessary, cancel the User's registration or subscription if, in its opinion, the User uses the Web Page to infringe any of the obligations established in this document.

Likewise, Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L. reserves the right to pursue any breach of the conditions described above, as well as any improper use of the contents or services provided through the Web Page, exercising all actions that may correspond by law.

Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L. reserves the right to make any modifications it deems appropriate to the Web Page without prior notice, and may change, delete or add both the content and services it provides and the way in which they are presented or located.

The validity of these conditions of use will coincide with the time of their publication on the website. The total or partial modification of the same unilaterally by Deiser Desarrollo e Integración de Sistemas, S.L. will imply the publication and entry into force of the new modified conditions of use.